
Showing posts from February, 2023

Natural selection

Natural selection  Some members of a population may have genetic traits that enhance their ability to survive and produce offspring with these traits. Natural selection occurs when some individuals of a population have genetically based traits that increase their chances of survival and their ability to produce offspring with the same traits. Three conditions are necessary for evolution of a population by natural selection to occur. First, there must be genetic variability for a trait in a population. Second, the trait must be heritable-that is, it can be passed from one generation to another. Third, the trait must lead to differential reproduction-that is, it must enable individuals with the trait to leave more offspring than other members of the population. Note that natural selection acts on individuals, but evolution occurs in populations. An adaptation, or adaptive trait, is any heritable trait that enables an organism to survive and repro- duce better under prevailing environ...

What Kinds of Organisms Live in Aquatic Life Zones?

Hi Folks!! Follow me on Instagram What Kinds of Organisms Live in Aquatic Life Zones? Aquatic systems contain floating, drifting, swimming, bottom-dwelling, and decomposer organisms. Saltwater and freshwater life zones contain several major types of organisms. One group consists of weakly swimming, free-floating plankton. They con- sist mostly of phytoplankton (plant plankton) and zoo- plankton (animal plankton). A second group of organisms consists of nekton, strongly swimming consumers such as fish, turtles, and whales. A third group, benthos, dwells on the bot- tom. Examples include barnacles and oysters that an- chor themselves to one spot, worms that burrow into the sand or mud, and lobsters and crabs that walk about on the seafloor. A fourth group consists of de- composers (mostly bacteria) that break down the or- ganic compounds in the dead bodies and wastes of aquatic organisms into simple nutrient compounds for use by pr...

Why is the Earth so favorable for life?

Hi Folks!! Follow me on Instagram : Why is the Earth so favorable for life? The Earth's Temperature range, distance from the sun, and size result in conditions that are favorable for life as we know it. Life on our planet depends on the liquid water that dominates the Earth's surface. Temperature is crucial because most of the Earth needs  average temperatures between the freezing and boiling points of Water. The Earth's orbit is the right distance from the sun to provide these conditions. If the Earth were much close to our sun, it would be too hot like Venus for water vapor to condense to form rain. If it were much farther away, the Earth's surface would be too cold like Mars i.e., Water would exists only as an ice.  The Earth also spins; otherwise the side facing the sun would be too hot and the side facing opposite to the sun would be too cold. Hence the aquatic organisms will suffer when it exists on the side...

Warmer climate may Drive Fungi to be more dangerous to our Health!!

  Warmer climate may Drive Fungi to be more dangerous to our Health!! The world is filled with tiny creatures that sometimes found it delicious. Bacteria and viruses are so obvious that they are pathogenic . However recent news from Duke University School of medicine found that raised temperature  cause a pathogenic fungus known as Cryptococcus deneoformans to turn its adaptative responses into overdrive. This increases its number of genetic changes, some of which might presumably lead to higher heat resistance, and others perhaps toward greater disease-causing potential . " Fungal diseases are on the rise, largely because of an increase in the number of people who have weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions," Gusa said. But at the same time, pathogenic fungi may be adapting to warmer temperatures as well. Materials  provided by  Duke University .                             ...