Why is the Earth so favorable for life?

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Why is the Earth so favorable for life?

The Earth's Temperature range, distance from the sun, and size result in conditions that are favorable for life as we know it.
Life on our planet depends on the liquid water that dominates the Earth's surface. Temperature is crucial because most of the Earth needs  average temperatures between the freezing and boiling points of Water.
The Earth's orbit is the right distance from the sun to provide these conditions. If the Earth were much close to our sun, it would be too hot like Venus for water vapor to condense to form rain. If it were much farther away, the Earth's surface would be too cold like Mars i.e., Water would exists only as an ice. 
The Earth also spins; otherwise the side facing the sun would be too hot and the side facing opposite to the sun would be too cold. Hence the aquatic organisms will suffer when it exists on the side of the Earth facing opposite to the sun.
The Earth is also the right size: It has enough gravitational mass to keep its iron and nickel core molten and to keep the light gaseous molecules(such as N2,O2,CO2 and H2O)in its atmosphere from flying off into its space.
On a time scale of millions of years, the Earth is enormously resilient and adaptive. During the 3.7 billion years since life arose here, the planet's average surface temperature has remained within the narrow range of 10oC-20oC(50o-60oF) even with a 30-40% increase in the Sun's energy output. In short, this remarkable planet that we call home is uniquely suited for life as we know it.

Materials provided by 

Environmental Science: Working with the Earth

Written by : G.Miller


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