What Kinds of Organisms Live in Aquatic Life Zones?

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What Kinds of Organisms Live in Aquatic Life Zones?

Aquatic systems contain floating, drifting, swimming, bottom-dwelling, and decomposer organisms.

Saltwater and freshwater life zones contain several major types of organisms. One group consists of weakly swimming, free-floating plankton. They con- sist mostly of phytoplankton (plant plankton) and zoo- plankton (animal plankton).

A second group of organisms consists of nekton, strongly swimming consumers such as fish, turtles, and whales. A third group, benthos, dwells on the bot- tom. Examples include barnacles and oysters that an- chor themselves to one spot, worms that burrow into the sand or mud, and lobsters and crabs that walk about on the seafloor. A fourth group consists of de- composers (mostly bacteria) that break down the or- ganic compounds in the dead bodies and wastes of aquatic organisms into simple nutrient compounds for use by producers.

Materials provided by 

Environmental Science: Working with the Earth

Written by : G.Miller


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